The Easiest Way to Conduct Clinical Trials

Elligo Health Research’s End-to-End Research Support is a comprehensive research enablement program that provides new-to-research sites with everything they need to achieve Research Ready status and seamlessly conduct research going forward.

Offered exclusively through the Elligo Research Network, End-to-End Research Support helps:

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Provide your patients with research as care

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Reduce your administrative burden and overhead

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Mitigate the risk associated with starting research

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Increase your community visibility

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Offer your staff comprehensive training

Customized Solutions to Make You Research Ready

End-to-End Research Support features personalized services to create a truly turnkey site:

Business Development 

Connect with major pharma, biotech, device, and diagnostic companies to build a study pipeline.

Study Feasibility

Leverage electronic health record (EHR) data to match patients to studies and create accurate counts to present to sponsor partners.

Study Startup

Fully supported by Elligo project managers and regulatory teams.

Patient Recruitment

Optimized by a tech-enabled Patient Engagement team for both traditional and decentralized studies.

Budget Development & Contract Negotiation

Negotiate higher reimbursement and fast contract execution.

Study Coordination

Study-specific services to support ongoing activity.

Financial Management

Sponsor engagement and rapid payments.

No out-of-pocket payments to Elligo!

IntElligo Study Marketplace with e

Introducing: IntElligo® Study Marketplace

Quickly and easily find and apply for studies that align with your interests, site capabilities, and patient population. Available soon to all Elligo Research Network members. Learn more.

Clinical Trial Support That Leaves You Free to Focus on Patient Care

H/C Partner Elligo


Investigator Overall responsibility for study conduct
Clinical Research Coordinator Conducts most study processes locally
CRC/Investigator Training Credentialing for GCP and study


Business Development Identification of trials for site population
Feasibility Achieve selection from sponsor on study
Budget, Proposals, and Contracts Negotiating optimal budget for site
Regulatory Submit regulatory documents to IRB
Study Startup Complete all startup procedures
Patient ID, Engagement, and Outreach Identify and recruit using EHR
IntElligo® Use Study workflow, eSource, and CTMS
SOPs Ensures compliance for audits
On-Site Study Conduct Assistance for surge or staff outage
Regional Operations Support Site Development Specialists to grow site
Revenue Cycle Manage receivables and payments

A Patient-Centric Approach to Clinical Trial Management

You know your patients. You understand what they need, what they care about, and how to best serve them in their healthcare journey — making the trusted patient-physician relationship integral to research success.  

End-to-End Research Support is designed to maintain and augment this relationship, giving you the tools you need to participate in research so your patients have access to research as care in their community.

The Quickest Path to Becoming a Clinical Trial Physician

When you partner with Elligo to establish your research practice, you could be conducting clinical trials in just six weeks!

Research Ready in Four Simple Steps

  1. Confirmed interest from all practice stakeholders  
  1. Needs and Readiness Assessment online form and a facility tour to determine needs and capabilities  
  1. Practice Collaboration Agreement and Business Associate Agreement to formalize the partnership  
  1. Onboarding and training  
PatientSelect timeline

Ready to get started? Contact us today

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Are You Ready to Begin Your Research Journey?

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