Only Elligo Offers Clinical Trial Financial Management to Accelerate Study Startup

Elligo Health Research® provides technology and support to manage contracts, budgets, and regulatory overview, saving research sites time and money while enabling faster study activation.

Billing Compliance Is Essential for Proper Clinical Trial Management 

Non-compliance can result in research site fines of more than $3 million* — 3x the amount of the initial violation and an additional penalty of up to $21,916 per violation.** 

It costs sites an average of $118 per claim to dispute denied coverage.***  

*Clinical Trial Billing Errors Generate Multi-Million Dollar Fines. The Association of Clinical Research Professionals. Published 2016 March 4.  
**Samet, J. Clinical Research Billing Compliance. BMC/BU Medical Campus. Published 2017 Dec. 13.  
***Sanborn, B. Change Healthcare analysis shows $262 billion in medical claims initially denied, meaning billions in administrative costs. Healthcare Finance. Published 2017 June 27.  

Ensure Clinical Trial Billing Compliance and Accurate Payments

Using Proprietary Technology, Experienced Coverage Analysts Assist With:  

  • Determination if the study or procedures meet Medicare guidelines 
  • Analysis of protocol, visit procedures, and clinical expectations  
  • Development and synchronization of informed consent language  
  • Complete trial budget negotiation 
  • Marking items as “Standard of Care” (SOC) per CMS guidelines  

Clinical Research Coverage Analysis Services Result In:  

  • Contract production in 4-6 weeks 
  • Proper identification of financial responsibility 
  • Streamlined research compliance processes 
  • Comprehensive analysis of documents 
  • Compliant claims processing 
  • Early detection of items and services not covered 
  • CPT codes for maximum reimbursement 

Ready to get started? Contact us today

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When you need direct access to healthcare-first sites, elite research sites, or clinical trial management solutions to enable your clinical trials, there’s Only Elligo.

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